20mm gun mounts
Posted 2007-08-02 1:15 PM (#6026)

Mess cooking

Posts: 46

Location: Palm Harbor, Florida
Subject: 20mm gun mounts

I am building a model of the USS Grouper, SS-214, circa 1945. I have a question regarding the 20mm gun mounts. Was the 20mm gun removed and stowed below before a dive or was it left on the mount when submerged?

Posted 2007-08-03 11:15 AM (#6067 - in reply to #6026)
WWII Sub Vet

Posts: 135

Subject: RE: 20mm gun mounts

On a 20mm Orliken(sp?) the barrels were removable and stored in a locker built into the Conning Tower structure. The mount remained on deck.

Posted 2007-08-04 6:06 PM (#6132 - in reply to #6026)

Mess cooking

Posts: 46

Location: Palm Harbor, Florida
Subject: RE: 20mm gun mounts

Thank you.

Edited by Boomer 2007-08-04 6:07 PM
Posted 2007-11-14 11:34 PM (#9208 - in reply to #6067)
Subject: RE: 20mm gun mounts

No, the 20 mm gun mount was a permanently installed mount just as you might see on a tin can.
Posted 2007-11-18 11:38 AM (#9281 - in reply to #6026)
Mess cooking

Posts: 36

Subject: RE: 20mm gun mounts

Both the 20mm and 40mm guns mounted on the boats were wet mounts. They were left out during the dive. Only the 50 cal. weapons were brought in or stowed in the deck lockers before diving.

Dave Johnston
Posted 2007-12-04 12:59 PM (#9870 - in reply to #9281)

Mess cooking

Posts: 46

Location: Palm Harbor, Florida
Subject: RE: 20mm gun mounts

Thank you all for your responses.  Now I have confidence mounting the 20mm gun on the Gato model I'm building which I plan to depict in a submerged scene.