Posted 2017-12-22 2:51 PM (#87074)
Master and Commander

Posts: 1605

Subject: Unbelievable


Germany’s Entire Submarine Fleet Is Out of Commission

Virtually everything that could go wrong—from accidents a lack of cash—has set Berlin’s U-boat fleet adrift.

GettyMorris MacMatzen

Germany, a major pioneer of submarine warfare, finds itself with its entire submarine fleet out of action. All six of the country’s Type 212A attack submarines are out of commission, and the reasons stretch from an underfunded defense establishment to a shortage of sailors. The total absence of any usable u-boats, a key capability as Russia continues to intimidate Germany’s NATO allies, calls into question Berlin’s commitment to defense.

Germany has six Type 212A diesel electric attack submarines. Known as “u-boats,” for unterseeboot (“underwater boat”), Germany’s submarine fleet dates back to before World War I. During both World Wars, Germany’s u-boats proved impressive adversaries, sinking enemy capital ships, attacking Allied convoys crossing the Atlantic in aptly named “wolf packs,” and forcing Berlin’s adversaries to tie up an enormous amount of resources to hunt them down.

Germany’s Defense Minister aboard U-34, August 2017. The ship was

Today, Germany is the fourth largest economy in the world, with a GDP of 3.47 trillion dollars. Evidently not enough to maintain a fleet of six submarines.

According to The National Interest, the Deutsche Marine’s submarine fleet suffers from a long list of problems.

U-31: The first submarine of its class, U-31 entered service with German Navy in 2005. U-31 has been out of commission since 2014, likely on a midlife refit. Will re-enter service this month, December 2017.

U-32: Also in service since 2005, U-32 suffered battery damage en route to Norway in July 2017. There is no shipyard capable of taking it on for repairs. Given that the U-32 is the same age as the U-31, it’s probably due for a refit too.

U-33: Undergoing maintenance until February 2018.

U-34: Like U-32, also out of service and waiting in line for a spot at a shipyard.

Edited by Gil 2017-12-22 3:00 PM