Now this makes sense
Posted 2008-09-25 9:43 AM (#19989)


Posts: 2675

Location: New Jersey
Subject: Now this makes sense

Gene retired in his early 50's and started a second career. However,
even though he loved his new job, he just couldn't seem to get to workon
time.  Every day, he was 5, 10, 15 minutes late. But he was a goodworker
and really sharp, so his boss was in a quandary about how to deal withit.
Finally, one day, his boss called him into the office for a talk.

"Gene, I must tell you, I truly like your work, you do a bang-up job,
but being late for work nearly every day is quite annoying to me aswell as
your fellow workers."

Gene replied, "Yes, sir, I know. I'm sorry, but I am working on it."

"That's what I like to hear," his boss said. "However, the fact that you
consistently come to work late does puzzle me, because I understand that
you retired from the United States Navy, and they have some pretty
rigid rules about tardiness. Isn't that correct?"

"Yes. I did retire from the Navy, and I'm mighty proud of it!" saidGene.

"Well, what did they say when you came in late?" asked his boss.

"They said, 'Good morning, Admiral."