Video: Navy Honored/OSU Fans' Tribute
Posted 2009-08-31 3:42 PM (#30280)

Old Salt

Posts: 461

Location: Medina, OH
Subject: Video: Navy Honored/OSU Fans' Tribute

Tribute to the U.S. Navy by more than 100,000 Buckeyes Fans;
Will Stand, Cheer as Midshipmen Take to the Field Saturday, Sept. 5, Columbus
According to the "Take the Field Tribute" video (below), Ohio State hopes “this tradition starts at Ohio State and spreads to other schools who host US Service Academy teams.”
OSU Coach Jim Tressel says, “We would hope we would treat every opponent with great respect, but I think it’s even raised a notch when you’re talking about people running out on the field who are pledged to defend you.”

Football: Ohio State vs Navy Saturday, Saturday, Sept. 5, Columbus.
They last competed in 1981 in the Liberty Bowl. Buckeyes won 41-28. The two other matches? The Buckeyes were 27-0 winners at Navy in 1930, and Ohio State won 20-0 in Columbus the following season.
The next match is in 2014 in Crabtown on the Bay.
Note: Definition of a Buckeye is "a hairless nut of little or no value." (Don't tell Michigan!)
Signed: Buckeye Nancy GoatWink
Print from USNI Online Store

Edited by nancy 2009-08-31 3:44 PM